December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house there were many stirring but thankfully no mouse!
Christmas Eve at house was actually rather quite this year.  In years past we have invited  a couple families over for dinner, but this year it was just us 6. Eric spent several hours in the kitchen cooking a preparing our feast.  What did I do, napped! Isn't that so awesome! What a great hubby I have.  I didn't actually sleep the whole time. T wrapped presents, set the table, played games with the boys, mashed potatoes and various other last minute preparations for the holiday. But still he did most of the work.

And what a beautiful feast it was. We had turkey and the boys questioned why we were having Thanksgiving again. Once we got pasted that issue everyone enjoyed!

After dinner we made cookies for Santa, watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and read the Christmas story from the Bible.

And then the long wait begins. We brushed our teeth, said our prayers and tucked everyone into bed. Thinking it was already 9:30 they will soon be asleep...... well lets just way who were we kidding. They heard sleigh bells,  Alex heard a "clatter" on the roof, of course the standard I need a drink, I have to go to the bathroom, etc. but,  slowly one by one they did drift off into those sweet dreams where sugar plums danced in their heads. First Elizabeth, quickly followed by Alex, a while longer Jared finally gave in to sleep. But at 12:00 and Tyler was still waiting to catch a glimpse of Santa. Nothing would work. No reminder that Santa wouldn't come until he was asleep, no threat that the presents would all disappear if he didn't sleep. With nothing short of locking him in his room we finally got him to at least stay in bed and managed to get to bed by 1:00!! Merry Christmas!

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