January 11, 2011

snowmen, bears and more....

Well, first of all if my pictures all seem a bit washed out it's not you it's me. My camera is on its last legs. It has been faithful and true for 3 years now. But alas, for some unknown reason my camera has decided to stop taking crisp clear pictures. Perhaps it feels that it has been over used or abused in those years. Dropped, knocked, banged around and covered in various sticky substances. Really I don't know why it's not working!  It has managed to take upwards of 7000 pictures. SO I can't complain.  So please try to enjoy the the intention. Use your best imagination and everything will be fine.

So we have been busy as usual here. Elizabeth got a present in the mail from her Grandpa. When we opened up the box. She clapped her hands and said "My baby" the "baby" or bear in this case has been muched loved!  Thank you Grandpa!

 So banana bread is a regular staple at our house. In fact we buy bananas just so they can get a little too ripe and be made into the best banana bread ever! Served with chocolate milk for an after school snack what could be better?

And its time to gear up for baseball. The best sport ever if you ask certain boys in this house.  Eric had the boys gather all the gear up to see what was needed this year.

 I don't think we need any new bats! Play ball! The practicing has begun with Jared trying to perfect his pitching skills and the other boys catching and hitting! It works out great with 3 boys!

And we had our major snow storm of 2011.  Jared made this snowman. It was dark and freezing when we made him come inside last night. He made it over at the park so I ran over there at first light this morning (OK so more like 10:30 and not so much as running as walking with a purpose) to get a picture.  I just love the face. So cute!

What a great week!

**Terrible things have occurred since I first published this post. Jared and Tyler ran over to the park to check on the Mr.Snowman. Someone had chopped his head off. Poor Jared :(


Diane said...

So sad about the snowman! I have bananas in my freezer to make stuff out of.

Amy Coons said...

Wow, alot of bats. Alot.

So sad about the snowman! Someone sure was a meanie!!