April 14, 2011

Adventures in the Sun!

 Our first adventure in California was a small zoo. Micke's Grove. The boys loved it!  And I enjoyed the 75 degree weather! Beautiful sunny. Makes me want to move to California.

 Apparently it is really hard to get 3 boys to do the same thing.

 The boys were thrilled to "smash their pennies"!
 Picnic lunch.....
 Japanese Gardens
 the stepping stones!

 wrestling with dad! Look at that amazing green grass.
 playing at the park........

 ending the day at Red Robin! 

The boys didn't want their picture with RED. 
 Grandma was willing!

What an awesome day!

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

I love the wingspan picture. Heehee. The weather does look dreamy. I LOVE that your mom posed with Red!!