April 25, 2011

Easter celebrations!

Happy Easter! 
I loved these bright and shinny eggs I keep going back for more. I even got a little sad when there where none left on the shelf at Wal-Mart. But my spirits were brighten when I saw an employee coming around the corner with a cart loaded with more eggs. I sifted through to find more shinny eggs. YEAH!! I know I'm  ridiculous but sometimes you just have to have what you want! They make me happy! 

We went to the annual Fowler Neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. 

This was the 10th year of Easter Egg hunt. We have been to all 10. The boys are all decked out for their day of baseball and soccer!
I'd love it if my computer skill would allow me to scan photos. But alas I do not have a scannner. And my digital world oly goes back 4 years in spots. The above photo is 2008. Again all ready for a day of sports. Pre Elizabeth. How quickly things change.

Easter morning we had our own egg hunt. The bunny was very generous this year. The boys eggs all had money inside. We are still missing 2 eggs if anyone needs a couple bucks you are welcome to come look.

She was so proud of her eggs and she learned a new word this weekend "open"

It is more difficult than you'd think to get a good picture of everyone in their new Sunday best. The boys all got new ties and Elizabeth actually got 2 new dresses. (It's too hard to choose).

And here it is the best of the group shots......

As you can see some were happier than others. And these days you have to move pretty quick to keep up with Miss Lizzie!

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter!


MartinCrew said...

I miss that egg hunt! Kids are darling and your yard is beautiful! Happy Spring :)

Amanda said...

your boys are so grown and sweet little girl! They have a cheerleader :)