April 14, 2011

Spring Break- the drive down

We begun our adventure on a beautiful northwest morning (raining and 42 degrees). Against our normal procedure we woke the kids and hit the rode at dark thirty to head south on the island to make the Mukilteo Ferry. Yeah....  the brilliant people that we are we never checked the ferry schedule. The Mukilteo run was cancelled that weekend for repairs to the terminal. Of course we knew that we just momentarily forgot. Luckily they has a alternate route running to Edmonds. So we waited an hour then boarded the ferry for an hour boat ride versus the 20 minute ride we were expecting. Oh well. So instead of hitting grandma's for breakfast, we had breakfast on the ferry and enjoyed lunch with Pops and Babs!
It's harder than you think to get a good picture of 5 people.

IN n' OUT Burger!
Some loved it!
Some enjoyed their ketchup!
Others didn't like it at all.
This little stinker kept getting out. 

We finally arrived at Grandmas...........nap time!

1 comment:

MartinCrew said...

What a great adventure! Love all the things you did!! Better than Disney Land I'm thinking...no lines, no crowds and educational :)
and by the way little girls don't throw fits...haha :)