May 28, 2011

four, five, six and others

I know my loyal followers are anxiously awaiting my next challenges. 
I have been working on it. And I will keep working on it because I am not totally satisfied with my results. But here we are so far. And yes they are mostly of Elizabeth because she make an easy subject  and because she is always around.

Challenge #4 from a high angle.

We headed to the park.....

First attempt not so good, camera self focused on what was closest. Not good, but she looks cute.

I like how her hand is in focus and not the rest of her. Would be better if she was more interested in the flower than the stem.  But not all models are cooperative!

Not high enough.
Getting better but not quite there. Love how it looks like fall and here it is almost Memorial Day.

Challenge #5 
Whatever I please!!

I like this challenge.

Love his face!
Isn't she cute! and getting so big.

Always love flowers

No great photography but she was insisting on playing with something on the other side of the fence. Not our yard.
OK so not a great but I was excited to figure out how to "take" a black and white and not just edited it to black and white. 

Challenge #6 
From a low angle. 

Peek a boo!

I am learning new things about my camera everyday. And I am having fun!

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