July 20, 2011

Old Pictures Found

I have been going through everything lately. OK it's going very slowly. But I'm purging every drawer, cupboard and boxes that hadn't been open in a while. 

It's amazing what you find. I found several disc which contain pictures going back more than 10 years. Wow!
Are you ready?
Beware YOU may be in a picture!

Christmas 2000
 Smile! Really we were having a good time!
Denver 2001
When we still had Lucy.

November 2007
Can you find Tyler and Alex. They have changed so much!

October 2000
Yes I am wearing overalls!
 Tie Dye is Awesome!
 The truck when it still looked kind of new.

Snow Queen Days
February 2000
I'm in the picture if you can find me. I'm wearing all black.

 Eric was part of the back stage help!

 Me and some of my students. Miss those days.

Isn't he cute! He's 3.
My family
Jared 5, Alex 4 Tyler 3
Someone is missing!

More Snow Queen Rehearsals 
Most of these girls are in college and some are married now with kids of their own.

Thanks for looking at my old pictures with me. It is fun to see well, for me at least. Things change so fast. 

1 comment:

Place Family said...

Love Eric's hair in that picture when he is backstage. Too fun!

The overalls are classic...we all know we had them!