August 31, 2011

The great adventure

Who wants to take a 22 mile bike ride?
With 7 kids?
We did.
Although I didn't actually go on the bike ride. 
We drove the crowd to the top of Snoqualmie pass. and pushed them out. OK not exactly.
We unloaded our crew at the upper parking lot at Hyak. They road a trail that use to be an old railway. The first 2.5 miles was in complete dark through a tunnel. Thus the very cool headlamps! And ended at Rattlesnake Lake.

Lots of last minute adjustments.
Always the helper!

Are we ready yet?
The gang!
There are only before pictures.
Due to extreme stress at the end.
Jared decided to ride ahead (yes he knew better). 
He took the wrong trail and got himself lost for about an hour. 
Some of the worst feelings I have ever experienced knowing my 10 year old son was lost in the forest full of hundreds of miles of trail.
It's terrible what your mind can think up of all the horrible things that can happen.
But we found him. 
And all in all they had a fabulous time!
Next time Elizabeth and I will join the group!

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