March 20, 2012

it happens every spring!


blocks of wood carved, sanded, painted

Excitement and anticipation builds!

The day of the big race draws near
and the boys work into the night perfecting their cars
day of...weights are added
final inspections
 the completed car!

twins cars
Which one will he race?
The first place winner 2 years in a row or the rookie?

The champ it is
the rookie was pulling a little to the right! 
 Games of distraction to pass the time
 The support crew dressed for St. Patty's day
(someone has to!)

 And It begins
 How will it do?
 Final standings.....
Tyler 4th in Wolf Den
Alex 2nd in Bear Den
Jared a solid finisher 
but he really had the coolest hand drawn flames!
 Alex 3rd place overall!

 Overall a great derby!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Thanks for taking all the pictures. It was a lot of fun!