April 13, 2012

rainbows and time

So my little one is very much on her own schedule.

I think her favorite thing to do is to paint.
and she just got new paints!!! 
I know you felt the excitement too.
I think the joy was felt throughout the world!

And everyday we must stop and take time to paint!

Momma make a rainbow!
How can I not stop and make rainbows?

And lately we have to add about 5 minutes to our "pre" travel time.
Babies must be buckled in.
Bet you didn't know that!
Now the first time I thought it was adorable.

It is still cute
but after about 2 weeks its getting a little... tiresome!

So I am trying to remember that these moments pass too quickly and that I need to slow down and enjoy painting rainbows and buckling in bears!! 

Enjoy your moments!


Amy Coons said...

I got a giggle about the buckling of the babies. Your words are so true!!

Amy Coons said...

I got a giggle about the buckling of babies...your words are so true!

Linda said...

karen said "You have to buckle the bears. Did I ever tell you about the time Flounder flew out the window? Nichelle was showing Flounder the cows. She was safe in her car seat but Flounder was not. The windows were down as we drove along and Nichelle was happily talking away when I heard a scream. I looked in the rear view mirror to see this bright yellow and blue little flounder bouncing behind us in the middle of the road. I pulled over to rescue Flounder when I see a semi truck headed straight for flounder as Nichelle Is watching. To this day I think Mr Truck Driver must have been a sweet heart because he carefully straddled flounder and didn't squish him. Then I ran out into the middle of the highway and rescued Flounder. Nichelle hugged him and put him in his seatbelt. Yep- its very important to buckle in bears :)"

Linda said...

Joan says "You SO would have done that! and if I'm not mistaken I recognize a few of your friends in theses pictures'

MartinCrew said...
