May 19, 2012

Mother's Day

I am slow this week with my posts.
Time is just getting away from me.
Can't imagine why?
It's not like I do anything!

I had a great mother's day!

My boys had cleaned the house!!!!
No worries about the orange furniture polish on my hard wood floors :) 
It was only slippery for a little while!

Home made signs!

Handmade flowers!

And top 10 posters of why I'm awesome!
Love Alex's #4! Very insightful for a 10 year old!

I love Tyler's 
A few spelling mistakes but you can still feel the love!

And my Jared's love #8 and #9 
he is 11 and still likes me to say prayers with him!

and best present!!
I got a nap 
sorry no pictures!
You will just have to trust me it was wonderful!
Almost 3 hours of rest!

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Place Family said...

Sounds like a great Mothers Day! Love the letters! Too cute.