November 5, 2012


I can hardly write the word without singing 
H-A-double L-O-W-double E-N spells Halloween! From my 3rd grade Mrs. Loomis class
I know I'm crazy!

Halloween prep
Daddy helping the kitty get ready

big brothers looking on
but NOT very impressed

I find it next to impossible to get a good picture of all on my children at once
but here they are....

3 scary
1 cute

make that 1 sassy

Alex's handy work in decorating our front porch
 there was creepy music playing too

For Halloween this year we invited some friends and  neighbors for a party
40+ people for dinner than trick-or-treating
I didn't get a picture of everyone but I did manage to grab a couple of kids

Headless man!

Grace's sweet pumpkin face

The loot

Alex and Will sorting their candy

showing off her tail!
 loved her costume this year!

Happy Halloween!


Amy Coons said...

So fun! You are a party girl to have that many people over on Halloween! Oh my boys would be jealous to see your scary costumes. They haven't pushed to hard to get them, just talked about them, but I haven't offered it up either...

Celeste said...

What a cute cat! She's so adorable!

huntermillfarm said...

What a fun Halloween! The kids are getting huge and the cat costume is so cute, Grace's hair is so long!