November 3, 2012


Before I get around to posting about Halloween
I needed to post some of our random moments 
I love these!

Watch out world
girl with style on a motorcycle!

After 12 years we bought new couches
I think I'm just thrilled that they took the old couch AWAY!
actually not a good photo but the only one I have
they really aren't that shinny 

Our soccer season has come to an end

The Tsunami Ducks 

King Cobras!
Won some 
lost some 
but overall had a fantastic season!

Best friends


Party at out house

13 U-12 players plus parents and siblings
for ice cream sundaes and awards 
on those brand new couches?
but fun!

 Breakfast in the window?


Babies are sleeping

ready to play

 ready for nap

Playing together

Tyler's party was at his teams sponsor El Cazador
yummy dinner

Didn't want to get her hands too dirty

this girl operates on her own schedule and pace
painting before breakfast

"I can do it myself mom
I'm a girl"
I think I hear that 10 times a day
followed by
"MOM do it..."

Love that she can ride her tricycle on the back porch!

So very random pictures of the past week
but still fun!
and a very real glimpse of busy daily life

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