January 27, 2013

slow winter days

our slowest time of year is the winter
probably because I'm not really a cold weather girl
I'd just as soon stay home with my fireplace, quilt and hot chocolate 
than go out in any winter weather
doesn't matter what it is 
snow--yeah totally not going outside
fog, ice, rain, bitter freezing temperatures 
see they all sound like perfect reasons to stay home!!!!
I did venture out one day 
such a foggy day 
it reminded me of winter days growing up when you couldn't see across the street
here is a beautiful picture taken while we were driving across the bridge! 
(I wasn't driving)
I'm not sure my daughter agrees with my stay at home plan...
no one to play with
I'm apparently not enough company
I find my own sunshine!
beautiful flower bouquets

and I bake way too much! 
but it's so yummy!
my best helper
she can fold all the kitchen towels HERSELF!
in other words
"Don't help me mom!"
 more happy yellow!

 but winter also give me a chance to teach my children skills

Jared made these breadsticks one night all by himself
he did it out of self preservation 
I told him there was no dinner because I'd spent all day (at that point nearly 5 hours "sewing" on his scout badges)
I'll admit there was more crying than sewing done and a call to complain to my mom!
but still my point got across
Alex helped too, he finished off the lasagna soup
good boys!
so I was very grateful that I'd had taken the time, before, to teach them how!

Grace in a box!
it's the best way to watch Tinker Bell and play ponies 

so I'll continue to enjoy our lazy winter days
I know they will come to an end quickly 
as I just got all the paperwork in for spring soccer and baseball

the mad rush of spring is approaching all too soon!

happy days to you all!

1 comment:

MartinCrew said...

Love this post! Love the flowers,cookies and kids...perfect winter time pastimes :)