more sports pictures wow!
I'm sorry but its kind of what we do
my totally awesome friend let me borrow her 55-250mm lens for the weekend!!
so exciting!
aren't you excited?
how can you not be...
it means I was able to get some close shots of the boys
it was a totally different feel
I'd look through the camera and I could see my kids from the opposite end of the field
instead of little dots that when I got home I wasn't sure who the picture was of
so this was nice
I think I might need one now!
I only made 2 out of 3 games
I know I'm a slacker
Jared played in another town and with Eric coaching and all 3 games overlapping each other
we just couldn't figure out how
we sent J ahead with his coach hoping that Eric would be able to catch the end of the game
no such luck
don't ask me why I didn't move to the side of the field that Alex was playing on
that seems so obvious now but I didn't think of it at the time
action shot
Love it!
don't you?
seriously love watching this boy play soccer
I left at half time to take Mr. T to his game
doesn't he just look like a baseball player
even if I had a focus problem
and not to get upset if they didn't hit
especially some of the younger kids (like mine) on the team
my sweet boy...
away with that ball!
First pitch, hit every time up at bat!
I'm such a proud mama
I get so nervous for him
especially since I don't think I've ever hit a baseball
ok maybe once
I seem to remember hitting during my 6th grade students/teacher game
ok maybe not
that could be the only game I ever played...
hate the cage/fence
yeah I know its there for my protection but don't they know us mom's need our pictures?
coach promised if the boys put the ball in play at least 10 times he'd take them all to Dairy Queen!
they did it!
they did lose but they did a fabulous job

the rest of the day was awesome
lawns mowed,
kids playing outside
and date night with my super awesome hubby!
only down side is I left my umbrella on the soccer field
went back for it later but it was gone
oh well
it's not like it ever rains here!
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