I like to stay busy with a good balance of doing nothing
doesn't everyone!!
normally I like to be pretty scheduled
in the summer I like to do whatever I think of at that moment
this summer that has been harder than usual
these kids just keep getting older and have thoughts and ideas of their own!
how dare they!
why should they get to have an input on what we do?
in fact I think both Eric and I are having a hard time adjusting to the idea of the teenage/preteen kids
why wont they just do what we say?
anyways back to my relaxing summer
with as little of a schedule as possible
don't worry I will be craving my schedule soon enough!
my mornings look a lot like this
exhausted on my front porch swing after my workout
its awesome because my kids all sleep in and they are old enough to be alone
WOW that is a good thing about older kids!
i can work out like 8'ish instead of 5'ish in the summers!!!
I'm all for creative projects
sometimes we get them done in the school year but not as many as I would like
Grace did her birdhouse a few weeks ago abut Alex just finished his
his method was very clean and precise!
I try to have a variety supplies for them so we can create whatever we are in the mood for
the finished product
Grace didn't feel like it had enough sparkle so she shinned her princess flash light on it for the photo!
spontaneous trips to the beach!
lots of the trips to the beach
we live a mile from water on each side of us
its the great thing about living here
so its fun and easy to say "Let's go!"
even if its just for 30 minutes
My great friend Jen was here for a week
I already miss her and she is off moving to a foreign country
but I made her come too!
Jared generally terrifies me when we go to the beach
but we still take himhe loves the water
and I try to figure out how I will save him
luckily I haven't had to in about 10 years!
besides it wears him out
at first I thought he was faking
he may of been at first
I had just asked him to mow the lawn
but an hour later he was still in the same position
my lawn never got mowed
pretty houses all nestled in!
Eric and I someday would love to buy Kayaks!
they are so relaxing and calming
we went one evening and tested some
Eric's picture of me isn't great but oh well
that black mass is George
he loves sleeping with Elizabeth
but one morning I couldn't find him
he had squeezed himself between the bed and the wall
these 2 have had swim lessons
so there has been some structure
one of them loved their lessons
the other went without too much complaint
and I think might be starting to like it
I like to get free bowling passes for the kids for the summer
so we go whenever someone wants to
we can bowl up to 2 free games a day
makes me happy!
few minutes later
on my camera instead of my phone
a totally different picture!
one last thing
this sweet grandma Miss Bonnie
from church invited us over
actually Grace invited herself over and she was kind enough to have us
we picked peas
which was awesome because I don't have any this year
so a little more than half way through summer we are doing great!
a vacation is coming up soon
we are calling it the Epic journey
more on that later!
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