August 6, 2013

pillow, ice cream, sea glass, swimming

I made something!
I love it!
I've wanted to make it for awhile
I finally made the time!
don't you love it!
I gave it to Grace
she doesn't love it 

we took a short trip to our neighboring town 
for ice cream 
We love this little spot

I always feel like I'm on vacation when I'm there

we went searching for sea glass
we had a little luck
we decided to only pick up green, blue or white glass

my boys made me a floral arrangement
so sweet!
and it really is pretty

this next picture is amazing
really it is
Tyler has been terrified of the water (still is actually)
3 weeks prior to this he wouldn't leave the side
 summer swimming lessons for Grace too
still keeping busy
starting to realize that we only have 30 day until the boys go back to school
wow the days are going so fast

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