October 22, 2013


I had a birthday

it started the night before with hubby coming home with flowers
always a smart idea!

it was a good day
we started out with 2 soccer games
after lunch  
and a quick game of Stratego with Tyler 
they dropped me off to get a pedicure
while I was gone they shopped, cleaned and decorated

Eric made a super yummy dinner
Rib-eye steaks, potatoes, crusty bread 
nothing healthy!
well the asparagus was healthy minus the butter

Tyler took charge of photos while I opened 

all the party guests go wild!
this picture of me is a little better
too bad I did't get dressed up for my party!

my Baskin Robins cake
Alex also made me brownies you can see them there behind the cake
we went for a representation of candles instead of burning down the house!

After dinner 
Eric and I left the kiddos at home and headed out for a movie
we saw
Captain Phillips
It was a good movie but a little intense

we had a great day
my kids were excited to give me things
Grace made me  a stack of cards and pictures that she made
Tyler gave me $0.50 and very proud!!!
Alex bought me a gift card to Starbucks (he knows me well)
Jared wrote me a beautiful note
Eric spoiled me and gave me way too much
I felt loved which is all I asked for so it was a good day for me!

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

Happy Very Late Birthday Linda Lou!! What a great day. ;) And might I add that you have terrific looking feet...seriously, they have been through more types of shoes and been required to do crazy hard stuff...and they look unscathed. So glad you had a happy day celebrating you!