November 7, 2013

a little reality

 This is just a basic day with a willful 4 year old
she really doesn't get her way all the time
even though she does try
and yes she is soaking wet, throwing a fit and I stopped to take pictures!!!
Awesome MOM!
the fit was really funny 
Academy Award winners have nothing on this girl!

in a happier moment 
she arranged our pumpkins
very carefully!

i love the orange pumpkin with the blue chairs!
since my camera was out 
and since it was a beautiful fall day
I took a few pictures on the back yard!
 love the spider webs in all the pictures
 and the vibrant colors
 do you think I like red?

I really do love fall

I come in... 
I'm makin' butterflies and rainbows mama!!

and just because it always amazes me
we have two eagles that keep stopping in our backyard
its pictures like this that make me want a longer lens
maybe someday!


Scott and Jenn said...

Happy to see her fit didn't last too long! You take some beautiful pictures, it really makes me wish I was back there...just a little. Miss you friend!

MartinCrew said...
