December 21, 2013

just a day of island life

Sometimes I remember I'm totally spoiled and live in one of the most beautiful places 

in the winter 
morning is very late
this was as I we were loading the car to take the kids to school
good morning moon
about 8:00 am

when I took Grace to preschool I was surprised to discover they moved up her field trip a day
so I changed my plans and went
turned out to be one of the best field trip I've ever been on
here we are waiting for the horse drawn carriage!

we rode through an 80 year old holly orchard
with carolers dressed in your typical Dickens attire singing and leading us in carols

loved this barn
I want one
not sure what I would do with a barn
but its the perfect color!

we watched them make a wreath
they sell them locally but they also ship them all over
it was fascinating to me
I keep thinking I've missed my calling in life I should be a holly farmer!!

I love orchards
I'm sure its because of my grandpa
even though these were holly trees not walnut trees I still felt like I was home at my grandpas!

later after school
did I mention days are short up north  here?
this is about 4:30
we stopped by the library
the harbor was AMAZING!!
I'm not sure I've ever seen it so beautiful before
these pictures don't do it justice
I didn't have my camera so these are from my phone

What an amazingly beautiful 8 hours it was!! 

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

Those wreaths are the prettiest I've ever seen in my life. If they weren't to outrageously priced, I would have bought one on the site. We have bushes in the front that I swore were holly, but now I'm doubting after seeing that it grows on trees.