March 15, 2014


its a rare thing
it shouldn't be
but it is
our central heat has been out
so I've been spending a little bit of time lounging in front of my fireplace!
it really has been beautiful
spring is making a good beginning 
Sweet George
My trusted assistant helped me with out spring chalkboard
we had fun making and coloring flowers
in other crazy ideas
I've been cleaning and purging (is that how you spell it)
the books have been taking over

 about this point I was seriously regretting my decision to organize

not perfect or very decorative
but we got rid of broken books 
boxed up the 1-3 grade readers for another time
and thrifted the books no one liked or wanted
and now happily they all fit on the shelf
maybe I will be inspired to make it look more decorative someday with cute toys etc
but today is not that day
March is off to a good start!

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

OH how I love children's books! I enjoyed this post (although, I always enjoy your posts!) I saw many books that are on our shelves too...our "friends" ...Fablehaven, Harry Potter, Beatrix Potter, Roald Dahl, even the Pokemon handbooks! Ha! Just this week I got a pang as I was organizing some books...does Daniel know all the storybook stories? I better get crackin'!