May 24, 2011

Challenge #3

Challenge #3 
A photo of your favorite place to be.
Since I can't run down to Disneyland for the day to take a picture I'll go with my favorite place on Whidbey Island. 

Which really when I really thought about it is my home.
I love our home!
 On most days (LOL!!) I love being with my kids.

Elizabeth yelling at her brothers for not taking here to the park.

I tried taking pictures throughout the day just to figure out lighting.
 Can you tell a difference?

So my picture taking was interrupted when Tyler and 2 friends come screaming up the road yelling that Jared's head was bleeding at the park.

I threw Elizabeth in the car, rushed over to the park and find... a  medic who was at the park with his family was cleaning up the blood  from the side of Jared's face. 
Apparently a friend threw a metal pipe at Jared. It was an accident. But we are currently contemplating locking Jared up to save him from himself.

Yeah for challenge 3! I am learning things about camera!

1 comment:

Place Family said...

My favorite place on earth too is Disneyland...and my home. Love it! You can help teach the Beehives when we do photography night.