July 15, 2011

Not Auto

I took these awhile ago. I hauled the kids off in the car. None of them wanted to go. What a terrible mom I am, I wanted to take my kids to the beach (and take their pictures). I really have been trying to learn about my camera and this day was a challenge of not using automatic setting. HARD. None of them are fabulous. It was too sunny. I really shouldn't say that about Washington, its more that is was just the wrong time of day. But its what I had to work with.

 This was tough. Elizabeth did NOT want to cooperate. AT ALL. And well the boys weren't very helpful either.....

 Again she isn't being helpful!

 Like I said too sunny and I haven't figured out all the settings. But I'm trying.
 I give up.

 Alex is waiting for rabbits.

 Love this one!

Alex took this one! Down the rabbit hole!

 What can I say I tried. The ideas are cute!

1 comment:

Laura said...

You got some really cute pictures!! I wish we lived closer so we could take a class together. It's hard to take the time to learn all the camera settings. Good Job :)