July 13, 2011

Week #3

Week 3
We are still trying to keep busy.
We are having a lot more "MOM I'm bored" and a lot more fighting than I'd like.
How quickly summer goes from the best thing ever to a state  of total boredom.

I was happy at least. One of my most favorite people came to see me.
My great friend Tammy and her family! 
Her husband Ken had a conference in Portland so they thought they would take an extra day and come see where they use to live. It has been more than 6 years since they moved. Oh how I miss them.  We just had a few short hours to catch up and talk but it was wonderful! 

 They have such a cute family. There oldest son is serving a mission right now!
We were both trying not to cry :(

Normal life at Johnston's
We have taught the boys to play Settler's of Catan. 
Jared loves it the most.
And it think it gets played almost everyday.

Eric had a great idea to try and make soda pop.
I didn't actually try any but I heard it wasn't very good. 
Sorry dad.
But the boys thought it was cool.

I am trying to teach the boys how to cook.
So of course one must learn to make chocolate chip cookies!
All the boys were suppose to go backpacking. 
It didn't happen.
Our Family fun activity turned out to be bowling.
I signed us up for free summer bowling.
The kids all get 2 free games per day. 
I bought Eric and I a pass. So for the price of one trip we can go as many times as we want this summer.
We'll see how many times we actually make it. 
 Alex was the most constant bowler!
Jared was the most forceful bowler.  But was mad the whole time. Which we could never figure out why. It was his idea to come. He spent the entire time complaining and when we got home...... he wanted to go back. Go figure.
Elizabeth well, she was the loudest bowler. She insisted on having a pink ball. 
When she didn't get it or if some else used it she looked something like this...
Or when it wasn't her turn...
or when it was her turn...
They don't make bowling shoes for an almost 2 year old and we couldn't keep her socks on.

Jared spent most of our family time trying sneak my phone and playing game. 
Tyler was the happy bowler! He got 2 strikes!

 Elizabeth's first pool party!

 and the bouncy house

And the big event of the week....

We acquired, through the sad event of our friend and neighbor moving, 

a trampoline.

Already many happy hours have been spent jumping!
They are planning there first trampoline sleep over!

Oh and I thought I'd share.
My daughter no longer needs me.
She is totally capable of getting herself what she wants.

"Straw bears" and even the corer to go with it.
Now she is coring out the wrong end, but she didn't seem to care!


Martincrew said...

FuN times!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the trampoline made it safely over the fence! Love the pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that you post regularly on your blog! I am also glad that the trampoline is being loved at your house! Glad it made it over the fence! Miss you guys already!