August 13, 2011

4 days...4 summits...

In a complete act of self gratification Eric abandoned the family for four days to sleep on rocks, carry too much stuff and generally have a great time.  I spent 4 days in the Enchantments area near Leavenworth.  We climbed Colchuck Peak, Dragontail Peak, Prusik Peak and Little Annapurna Peak.  Not much of a  description on this just a couple of neat pictures.

Looking up towards Colchuck peak from the center of the Glacial moraine

Colchuck lake from the top of Dragontail Peak

Upper Enchantments Basin 

North Face of Mt. Stuart with Sherpa peak in the foreground

South side of Dragontail from Asgaard Pass

West ridge of Prusik Peak  The climbing route goes right up the middle of the picture where the dark rock meets the light rock of the south face

The south face of Prusik Peak,  the west ridge rout follows the left skyline to the top

Little Annapurna from Camp,  this was a one hour walk from camp to the top and 15 minutes to get down.

Home sweet home

Shorts on the summit of Little Annapurna

There is reason they call this place the Enchantments, I have no idea what lake this was.  

yet another enchanting but frozen lake.  Did I mention this was taken in late July

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