August 13, 2011


The great and I must add very deserved vacation!
We thought we would take a day or two before we met up with the rest of the family for reunion.
We started off late in the afternoon and caught the Port Townsend Ferry headed for the the peninsula.
 Looking back at our island

We were apparently the most entertaining thing on the ferry. 
We had total strangers taking pictures of us. 
Well mostly just pictures of Elizabeth, but still it was really weird!

We had a room with a view in Port Angeles!
We took a nice long walk down the ocean trail to dinner. 
It was beautiful (sorry no pictures) but we were starting to think there was no way off the trail. 

Also no pictures, but after dinner we headed to the beach and saw the coolest sand sculptures. It was the week of their annual sculpture contest. You'll just have to take my word for it. They were really cool.

The Rainforest!
OK they are A LOT of pictures.
But it was just so pretty.
Look they are all smiling!

 About every 2 minutes Tyler was up another tree calling out "MOM take a picture of Me" 

It's a funky picture. It almost looks fake.

By this point in the day HRH had had IT. 
Its might be hard to tell but she is really letting Eric have it.
The ferry may have loved us. 
But the visitors to the Olympic National Forest did not.
Love this picture.
She is MAD. While daddy was carrying her, brother started pushing the stroller. OH MY.
She wants it back and she means business!
 Trail of Mosses. 

Back in to the car on to Ocean Shores

 Do you know how hard it is to get 5 people to jump at the same time?


 OK maybe this is my favorite!

 No it's this one.
This is  my favorite!
 Jared didn't want to be with us :(
We loved Ocean Shores.
We felt all alone!
We laughed at ourselves that we live on an island 1 mile from the beach and we go to the beach on vacation.


When we woke up it was a beautiful morning. 
By the time we finished our breakfast (at 11:00) the beach was engulfed in fog.
Being good Northwesterners we pulled out the sweatshirts and made the best of it!
The boys loved this tourist shop. 

 He was trying to see what his face print looked like.
Can you see it?
Elizabeth wasn't really enjoying the beach.
I finally convinced her it was fun to dig her toes into the sand.
Like I said not really enjoying the experience!
They however loved it!

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