September 21, 2011

Totally random stuff

This is a totally just a whatever post.
It 's just pieces of here and there and everywhere of our day to day.

Ms. Elizabeth has taken to picking out her own clothes.
And I must say she is darn cute. 
The funny thing is she wont where anything new that I got her.
She insists that its not hers.

 She and I both LOVE her boots!!!
And she has taken to posing for every picture.

And we are in full into Fall Sports.
Tyler U8 The Grey Hornets!

 Coach Eric!

The Predators
Alex's entire team cheered when they found out the jerseys were orange.
Not sure what that's all about, but they were all so excited it was cute!
 Elizabeth is really very good at being entertaining at the games.
And yes I mean she is entertaining! 

Love fall!

Tons of wild blackberries everywhere!

 Kite flying!

And new this year Fall Baseball!
Jared warming up to be lead pitcher!
 Quite activities before church!

And I bought myself flowers!
Someone needs to.
I make it a monthly habit!
I do love flowers!
These I loved especially for the red sunflowers and orange well really peach day lilies!

OK so really that is a typical weekend.
All the pictures were taken either Saturday on Sunday!
We are busy busy busy, but we love it. 
We love the games and taking the chance to fly kites while we are at the park. 
Life is good!

1 comment:

Salena said...

I love all the pictures and the red boots. :)