October 13, 2011

Catch up = lots of pictures

I haven't been able to blog...
Long story but basically my photo files got corrupted! 
Not good.
But all is well now and I get to catch all my faithful followers on what we've been going.

Here is what has been happening for the last almost 2 weeks!
My favorite flowers are in bloom!

 We had a great conference weekend. 
I watched each session.
Eric "listened"!
I had a good idea this year.
None of my boys are really very good at sitting still.
So this year for conference I covered my kitchen table and my center island with a ton of different activities to sit and do while listening to conference.


They folded paper airplanes


 Played in the Sandbox

 I made cinnamon rolls!
And they listened.
To get a cinnamon roll they had to tell me what they learned in that session.
I roll per session.
Aren't I smart! 
They really heard things too. Not just your standard answers!

This wasn't one of my ideas. 
Tyler came up with it on his own.
And Jared helped him.

 They worked together!
He made a foot stool.
Then he wanted to eat his dinner in the garage.
why not?
 In other news.
I have beautiful tomatoes in October!
 Pumpkins will be ready in time!

Family Fun!
Family Soccer

 She was so cute running around on all the lines!

She Loves her shoes!

And did I mention I love fall!

And I know you wanted to see what we were painting!

Not all wanted to finish their sunflower.

And this is totally random. But I noticed Froggy here tucked away inside my sons bed. I haven't really seen this in awhile. Alex got Froggy 6 and 1/2 years ago when he had his surgery.
My heart just melted when I saw that my big 4th grader still "sometimes" sleeps with his frog!
OK he is probably embarrassed, but it was just too cute!

That's all folks!


Diane said...

Love Elizabeth's freckles!

Place Family said...

You are one smart lady!