October 18, 2011

Little miss

Ms. Elizabeth is really my best helper around here.
Not to be mean to the men folk. 
But really....
she sweeps, moves the laundry from the washer to the drier, puts laundry away and not just hers everyones, loves to wipe all services with Clorox wipes, helps wash and put away dishes.
And she sings and dances while doing this!
It's amazing.
I love it!
And yeah, none of the boys do that.
They clean only under duress. 

Then about once a day she yells out "POOH"
situates herself on the couch 

and waits for you to put Disneyland Fun in.

Happy Girl!!

1 comment:

MartinCrew said...

Love the little freckles sprinkled on her nose!