January 16, 2013


I find random pictures to be some of my favorite
why? I wonder
maybe its the little moments

Photos a day..
Something new...
I was so excited to buy myself some new running shoes

Something old
poor George he always looks so sad



I was sitting in the kitchen when the sun came up
wow it cast the most beautiful light in my kitchen! 

my project that is taking forever
but its hard when you only get moments every few days to work on it
but her room is going to look so cute...eventually

I made a book!!!
 SO excited!!!
My 2012 favorite pictures
mostly in order
 Turned out beautiful!!
at least I think so!
I learned something
actually my big sister had already pointed it out to me
but I remembered when I was trying to put the book together
There are almost no pictures of me
I don't like pictures of me
Its true
but there are very few of Eric and I 
and it is sad
I'm in this family too
so I'm going to try and do better at including myself
I might have to get creative maybe Tyler can take my picture
or self portraits those are always fun!

** I had a question about where I made the book I used Apple it was super easy from my Mac

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Hi Linda,
What program did you use to create your book? Love it, did a great job.