February 7, 2013


so I can't think of a more cleaver title post
so Thursday it is
happy Thursday!!
I'm tired, woke up with a headache and am pretty sure I will never understand my oldest boy
but the day moves forward!
positive attitude it's going to be a great day!

my fully charged 3 year old and I have a weekly date to the local library story time
where she has stores, art, a little movement
here is the blurry picture of the "shakers"
she loves the children's computers

 and rows and rows of colorful books
she almost always chooses the cute Beatrix Potter books
she liked them because they are small
This is us
waiting in the car for...
 Mr. Safety Patrol
Alex loves safety patrol
I had to sneak the picture from the inside car across the street so he wouldn't know!
he does NOT like photos 

random art picture
Elizabeth had to sort her paints
thats new for her she is not usually organized

chopping  and
sautéing veggies 
for this amazing soup I made
I have to rave about it because I made it from scratch 
with no recipe 
best beef and barley soup I've ever had 
and  the really great news
my entire family loved it

we had a small break when 
Moon River came over the radio
Pandora (internet radio for those who may not know)
Elizabeth yells "dancing song!!!"
Stops painting and

 dancing class anyone?

more homework
 helping with the dishes 
her week to help in the kitchen
she has folding towels
but I really think its time for new ones! 

more art projects
we really go thru a lot of paper

and in other news
there was this Superbowl
now you must understand
we didn't watch a single season game
we have no teams here
mostly Eric and I could care less
the boys decided they had to watch the game
they choose a team 
and sat down for the next 5 hours
actually it was hilarious watching them!!!
they got very intense
well 2 of them did 
we actually had to threaten turning off the game they were getting so worked up
in the end we had 1 happy 2 sad

happy Thursday everyone
I'm off to have my day
looking great so far 
I just made one kid made by asking him what happened
now he is sulking, stomping and snapping at everyone around him
maybe I shouldn't talk to them....
have a great day!

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