February 14, 2013


Happy Valentines day

boys and girls are so different!!
bet you didn't know that

So my sweet daughter has been obsessed with this holiday for a couple weeks
I blame Disney and Winnie the Pooh

my boys...
complained and moaned that they HAD to give valentines
Jared cheered that in middle school he didn't have to do anything and thought it was so weird that boys were giving girls roses and stuffed bears at school...yuck 

I convinced the Elementary school crowd that they could just give a lollipop
that was doable, barley

so since seeing the above movie 
she has been busy making valentines....
a lot of valentines

we have an abundance of crayons
seriously they are everywhere


random shelves..


you get the idea
they are EVERYWHERE!
we gathered the crayons for a valentines project!
i put my happy helper to work peeling the paper off
she has lots of experience
serious work!

then she grated the crayons
we tried 2 methods
pencil sharpener and cheese grater
i recomend the pencil sharpener
you put the shavings between wax paper and melt them with an iron (put a cloth between the paper and your iron)

draw hearts
cut them out
make a pretty garland!
everyday this week she has made valentines for her friends
her idea
but I helped get her the stuff

 all ready for delivery!

I told Eric this year he could just get me a flower bouquet from Costco.
I love them!! 
I buy them for myself sometimes
OK like once a month!

he got me 2
one mixed flowers
did you notice it has my favorite flower!
 And beautiful roses

such amazing colors!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
hope everyone had a great day!!

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