March 20, 2013

all good things

We will start with the best news first!
Pop and Granny are back!!

We have missed them and yet at the same time I can't believe how fast the time went
It's crazy!

This little one followed Pop around
she was "looking for a hug"

There were tears shed by many
all happy tears!

the rest of my post is just random
we've been very busy doing...
lots of just living, normal day to day stuff

still waking this one up every morning to take her brothers to school

lots of spring rain...
different that winter rain 
spring rain brings the wind too (its colder)
my best decorating helper
we are getting ready for Easter

brief moments of beautiful sunshine
 we don't take those for granted around here

crazy old dog,
who even though he is blind and deaf 
can still manage to get the pillows off the couch and arrange them on the floor 
its hard to tell but this dog actually dragged 2 pillows together
George has alway had the amazing ability of finding making the most comfortable spot
wow lots of sleeping pictures
we must be tired
I know this one is
he fell asleep  on the floor reading last night
it's Jared if you can't tell
my bleeding heart is getting ready to burst!!

her favorite destination these days is the
Pinecone forest
also known as a row of trees across the street from our house
she convinces one of her brothers to take her there everyday

then brings home a pinecone to "plant" in my flower pots
she knows they will grow soon
this one is such a hard worker
no help needed
he did his science project himself with little to no help from mom or dad
and he had to have it done days early
life was in a panic because he only had 3 more days till it is due!
a boy after my own heart
no procrastinating here!
all can rest now
the project, poster and report are all done and ready!

that's our randomness this week
hope you are all well!

1 comment:

MartinCrew said...

No procrastination?? Oh how would that be? Love the pictures!!!