March 11, 2013

The fairies have come!!!!

Mom! MOM!!
The fairies have come to wake up our flowers!
one  guess who said that!
She is so excited for spring and she is a bit of a Tinker Bell enthusiast 
Saturday we had the most beautiful sunshine!!! 
we all headed outside

at one point we had 9 boys over here! (3 missing from the picture)
it was Awesome! 
lots of trampoline, basketball and just crazy loud 
but everyone was OUTSIDE!!!
this arrived in the mail for me
I'm so excited!
I'm going to make what I'm calling my "sunshine quilt"
which is basically a patchwork quilt made with bright and sunny fabrics
for these cold dreary grey winter days 
It will probably take me another year to finish 
but baby steps!

Spring has sprung or is trying to 
and Saturday I did my best to help those fairies!
Making way for my favorite flowers
I even like the dead hydrangeas!

 almost ready!

we are all suffering from the curse of Benjamin Franklin
trying to explain to my boys why we had to set the clocks ahead was more than their minds could grasp
mine too

but we had a wonderful weekend
and now we are on to a great action packed week!

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