March 7, 2013

rainbow and quilts

Happy things around here
I finished the quilt
its not really a "quilt"
its a bed covering
I didn't know what I was doing 
but I knew what I wanted it to look like
so I did it!!!
cheers and applause please
it only took about 9 months
mostly because things take a long time when you only get 5 minutes here and there to work on it
See its so cute
and happy
it fits Gracie's personality

if you don't like it
don't tell me
I'm so proud of myself!
and mom you'd be proud of me to I didn't even cry or throw any of it across the room
I was very calm and actually enjoyed the whole process
its super soft and cuddly
I moved her bed to see if we liked it
I don't think I do
but I'm thinking of painting her furniture
what do you think?
here is a random picture of Grace
we are waiting for the boys
we are usually to the school about 20 minutes before they are out
she likes to get out of her seat and come get in the big seat next to me
but of course you must put your seat belt on!
in other news
OK its not really news
but in other..... 
we made play doh 
a new way
 I know so exciting!

Usually we add the food coloring while its cooking
this time we mixed it in after
 such a rebel!

it turned out a prettier color
very springy
we did rainbow colors
because I think most things should come in rainbows!

its mostly now all grey/brown 
but still fun
so that is our excitement around here
other than we've been sick
had dentists appointment 
had the carpets cleaned!!
started looking for a new house (sad)
baseball has begun and my life is booked solid till July
but all is well
and we are happy 
now I'm thinking of making a happy quilt for myself
I've had an idea for awhile on what I want to do


Laura said...

Love the quilt! I'm considering making a t-shirt one for Brock that I found on pinterest. I'm excited to see the one you will make for yourself!

Martincrew said...

Love the quilt also! So impressed because I'm here to tell you that I have yet to finish one. So did your house sale?? Update me woman!