April 14, 2013

very random post

just so you know I was not driving when this picture was taken
with that said
my daughter starts yelling in the car
I want that for Christmas 
Santa can bring it to
after a few moments I discovered this 
VW bug 
is what my 3 year old wants for Christmas
anyone what to deliver on that?
Even though she has the most comfortable bed in the house
she prefers to sneak out of her room with care bear and sleep on my floor
maybe I should sleep in her bed?
on our Thursday outing I need to stop by Ace Hardware
when we walked in HRH 
got very excited 
"mom we found Pixie Hollow and Cinderella's shoe!!"
 who knew such fun things could be found at the Hardware store?
 SO my new photo class is having me take photos of everything
The braids my daughter requested!
 I love how tulips give you a sneak peek at what color they will be before they open

Baseball has started with 3 games this past week
I'm tired
and I didn't even play

Love when this happens!
I found Tyler reading to Elizabeth

My daughter cracks me up. 
these are 2 of the 3 outfits she laid out for herself today

the other made the cut and she wore it all day 
we usual get to see all of her choices
I guess the day isn't over yet and there is still tomorrow

1 comment:

Martincrew said...

I would love to take a photography class! How fun!! I am sure my camera wouldn't cut it though...I guess I'll just enjoy all of your fun :)