July 15, 2013

a not so quiet day

summer is racing by 
and I'm doing a terrible job keeping up on my post
its actually hard to find the time with everyone home 
and even though we are trying to relax we are still very busy

after our quiet Sunday
we had a not quiet Monday
it was a rainy summer day 

Jared was home early from picking berries

the boys had a great idea


and how can you have a Nerf war without your harmonica player?

sorry some of the pictures are fuzzy
my lens in dying
I'm trying to hold off as long as I can to replace it

watch out world

It was fun while it lasted 
but it ended with lots of fighting 
mom intervention and
the weapons being confiscated

which then resulted in more yelling and run a way child 
dad coming home 
and one child staying in his room the rest of the day
just keeping it real

others quieted down by playing play dough

and then Eric had me take the 3 out for the afternoon

favorite candy store

we ended the day with a movie 
Monsters U
it was pretty good 
and Grace actually made it through the entire movie!

turned a difficult day into a good one 

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