July 8, 2013

quiet sunday

we had a rare Sunday experience recently
our kids got along

for some reason Sundays are usually a very hard day for us

even though I would love to tell you our kids come home from church and sit reverently all day long...
they don't 
we usually have an abundance of fighting arguing and people in each others space

last Sunday I looked around at 4:10 and everyone was in there own space doing their own thing!!!
mostly reading 
some read with their eyes closed

Jared made a fort to do his reading in

Alex's favorite place to read is always on my bed

since the boys were all busy
Grace and I made play dough
we love making our own!
our activity soon attracted others
we  add the color after its made 
its always a fun experiment!

they decided dad had had a long enough nap on the couch
a great Sunday afternoon
maybe we could start a new trend at our house and do this every Sunday!

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