July 22, 2013

the 4th of July

so my post is a little late
but our 4th of July turned out awesome
we meet up with the rest of the Johnston clan at a lake I can't remember the name of!
the camp ground was called Camp Lakeview
both Eric and I were a bit... apprehensive when we pulled up to our camp site and waited a good 10 minutes before we got out of the car
but everything turned out great

I'm loving the fact that my boys can set up the tent all by themselves!
Actually 2 tents because Jared has his own and both Tyler and Alex ended up sleeping outside!

 cousins cousins everywhere!
 after work comes the play
 watch out world she is ready!
 Jet skiing

crazy Uncle look at all those boys
 I loved sitting on the dock watching the clouds roll in
I did eventually find enough courage to take a ride on the boat
and tried not to freak out 
I think I did good
my kids and hubby were all having a fabulous time along with all their cousins!

Time for dinner
this terrible picture is of the homemade root beer being made
it was really good
 celebrating Granny's birthday!
 noodle fighting!

 s'more's and relaxing by the campfire!
 and finally and amazing fire works show!
Elizabeth only last about 15 minutes
she didn't like it
but I think the show must have gone on for over an hour
Eric said its the best firework show he has ever seen
Great 4th of July!
more fun to come!

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