August 7, 2013

around the house while Jared is gone

Jared got to take a few days and head south to stay with his cousins for a few days
this is what we did
the ice cream man came to the neighborhood
 we made 2 puzzles one
750 pieces
the other
1500 WOW!

cleaned Grace's room
see doesn't that pillow look adorable!
maybe I should steal it for my room?
 MOM take a picture of my ponies!!!

 lots of chalk work

oh love rainbows!!
so double rainbows are better
and this chalk paint is so much fun

old George
he needs a bath
anyone interested?

Alex and Tyler both had soccer camp this week!
it was so nice they could just walk across the street to the park!
no driving them around!

 I think I might like flowers (just a little)

our sea glass collection is slowly growing
we I am getting picky
I only want green or blue glass
summer just keeps on flying past
Jared is gone again this week at scout camp
we have Laura coming this weekend then we are off on our Epic journey 
we will get home just in time for the kids to head back to school
I'm not ready for school to start
it means I have to get up earlier and drive people lots of places
no more lazy days of whatever I want

Even more crazy is I have seen the first spotting of Halloween in the stores and yesterday I noticed my maple leaves are already turning color

I love fall but maybe it could hold off until mid September?

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