August 8, 2013

the berry barn

I have driven by The Berry Barn at least 50 times
and I never stopped
I usually notice it in the fall when they have hundreds of pumpkins for sale
but even then I have never stopped
we've always gotten  our pumpkins somewhere else

ok in my defense it's not in our town
it's not even on the island 

well my friend told me about this great Groupon
which I'd never used before 
the Groupon was for the maze at The Berry Barn
a two acre maze with over a mile of zigzag twist and turns

 with this totally cool slide in the middle of it

we are true North-westerners we don't let a little rain stop us
we were all soaked by the time we were done
these are a few of my neighbors

after going with me a few times
I convinced her she could go by herself
she got stuck
luckily it didn't traumatize her or anything
she thought it was hilarious!

I had to have Jared's help to complete the maze
there was just one corner I couldn't get to
ice cream inside the barn
I'm starting to think we've had too much ice cream this summer
seeing how we were at the Berry Barn
I had to buy some berries 
I made the best pie I've ever made
really it was so good 
raspberries, boysenberries and blueberries
pretty too
don't you just want some pie now?
great little summer adventure!
and a fun new place to go
we might have to get our pumpkins there this year
and did you notice behind the maze in the first picture
u-cut Christmas trees
My favorite!!!! 

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

I seriously need a piece of that pie. Berry is my FAVORITE. And you know how to make it fancy too. :)

AND, I think it's fun that a farm has decided that cornstalks in the fall are not the only way to do a maze. Really fun.