August 15, 2013

Cascade pass

a couple weeks ago we realized it was the last Saturday our family would be able to spend together this summer
Scary! Where has the summer gone?
we force, and I do mean forced the kids against their will to get in the car and come on a hike
"Why do we have to?" was cried by more than 1 of the shorter crowd
more than a few tears were shed
and maybe just one or two voices raised
and this was there torture...

spirits raised just a bit when they got out of the car
"You mean we are going on a hike?"
Yes... what did they think we were telling them?

we made them walk the 3.4 miles up to cascade pass

such beautiful views
I loved the wildflowers

this one treated us with song and non stop talk the entire trip
I don't think Eric realized she talked so much
she was on the look out for fairies!
and she did walk most of the way

 this has been named the Fairy Waterfall!

the view up
 the view down

the excitement increased for some as we  began to see marmots and pika

the Hills are alive with the sound of music!!!
don't you just love the clouds pulling through the pass
From this point and for about the next 30 minutes Eric kept assuring all of us we were almost there
just around the next bend... or maybe the next one

we made it


it was awesome
we could hear the snow breaking and falling off the glacier in the distance

this is where we stopped for lunch
we asked another hiker to take a picture allowing us to have the rare 6 member family photo
I think it might be my new favorite!

 and we begin our 3.4 mile decent!

Beautiful day
most of the attitudes got adjusted along the way
the kids really did fabulous with the 7.4 mile hike

this trail has since been closed due to a mud slide
the road is closed and hiker were stranded having food and provisions flown in by helicopter

I think Eric jinxed it when we were going over the road he said "this road usually gets closed due to rock slides every year....."
yeah lets blame him!

It was a great family trip even if they were forced to spend the day with us. Maybe someday they will look back and it will be a great family memory?


Amy Coons said...

Those pictures are seriously amazing. The clouds are almost unreal. So, so beautiful. And I love the dialogue of the "behind-the-scenes".

MartinCrew said...

Soooo jealous! BEauTiFUl hike! Cute picture of the family and think I do see a few fairys in those pictures ;)