September 4, 2013

our visitor

My Laura came to see me!
I call her my Laura
because even though she is technically my niece she is also like a sister to me

she had some vacation time from school and work and came to see me!

she did a great job being cousin to my kids
on my side of the family most of the kids cousins are much older than them
so it was great that she took time to be with them
she even jumped on the tramp with them! 
that is a brave woman!

as requested we went to the beach one evening
my only regret of her trip is that we didn't make it to the beach more
only 2 of my kids choose to come with us
too bad for those others

if you look hard you can see an eagle in the tree
it really was huge we just couldn't get closer for a better picture

best time on the beach is sunset! 
I love it
so I had to take a few pictures
just be glad I'm only sharing 3
I took considerably more...

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