June 7, 2014

a bit of random

Since Grace's birthday is in the summer the preschool celebrated her birthday the last week of school
we had to make cupcakes!
she decorated them
and they had a very specific order
 first silver sprinkles, then pink, yellow next than finally rainbow, repeat
there was NO changing the order and maybe doing 2 silver in a row
that simply would not do
 Same day was a trip to a local farm
"Look at your mom!!"
this farm had all the animals
rabbits, goats, lots and lots of chicken,  cow and even a horse

its getting to be nice weather here
we head to the farmers markets
I love them others come because they usually get a treat
they painted each others nails
they used an entire bottle of nail polish removal
and I'm still trying to get purple paint off the floor
but they had a great time!
put my phone done for a few minutes
came back to more than 15 "selfies" of tyler!
and I took Alex out for his birthday lunch
one of my favorite traditions!
Still trying to catch up on the blog. 
I haven't given up
its just that life gets busy!

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