April 14, 2011

Randomness in California

These pictures have no rhyme or reason but I knew you all, my many followers, wanted to see them!
got to keep up on our baseball to ready for the  big game

Of course she can't be left out of anything

He was SO excited to practice his recital piece on Grandma's awesome piano!

Round Table pizza buffet ..... can't miss it!

OK so there was lots of baseball practice
And life wouldn't be complete with out Christmas in March!

You always think you got a picture of everything but somehow I guess you don't. We picked oranges, planted and weeded grandpa's garden, the boys discovered WWII movies, played hours in the backyard, mom and I went antiquing and shopping for Easter dresses.
We had a fantastic spring break!

1 comment:

Amy Coons said...

I love seeing a few pictures of your parents' house. It brings back very good memories! There is always plenty to do there! What an awesome spring break. :)