April 29, 2014

bits of spring randomness

when the sun comes out in the northwest
you go outside
and you stay there until the rain comes back
which it will in any season
but spring is the most unpredictable

my tulips were beautiful this year 
i never made it to the festival
i was going to go with a friend
but i couldn't go when she could and visa versa and the month just went by and I never made it
so sad 
I love the festival but there is always next year, right?

oh these boots!
I love them 
you've gotta love them too
they have been around awhile
she started wearing them way before they fit and now they are almost too small
and as my dad says we might need to have them bronzed 
they are falling apart 
so sad

"MOM!!!! the sunset!!"

random bunny 
but it is spring!

we have said no to a lot of our usual activities this spring
we are still busy not not as busy
which allows us to take a quick trip down the road to my favorite spot

love that these ones will just pile into the car when I yell beach!
and one more bit of spring
i love these little flowers!

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